Wednesday, May 7, 2014

14 Reasons Why Network Marketing is the Best Business for Women

Are you a stay at home mom looking for extra Income?

Here is 14 reasons Why Networking Marketing Makes the Best Business for Women

1. You can elevate your financial life.
2. You receive all the benefits of traditional business ownership without the typical risks.
3. You can condense a 30 year career into 3-5 years
4. You have a flexible schedule and more freedom to do the things we never seem to have enough time to do.
5. You have incredible tax benefits.

6. You're doing work that is fulfilling and makes you happy.
7. You can stop worrying about money.
8. You work when you feel like working but you also play when you  feel like playing. (Like when it's gorgeous outside)
9. You get to spend a lot more time with the people who are important to you.
10. You don't have to report to anyone but yourself. (i.e. ask for time off if it's okay)
11. You will touch many lives. There are so many people struggling in this world today. You can encourage their dreams and give them hope.
12. You meet the most amazing people. You'll never find a more passionate group of entrepreneurs in any other profession.
13. You get paid for work you do one time. That is the power of residual monthly income.
14. You can become financially free and create a legacy for your family.

Going for your financial dream is no small feat, but I guarantee it will be the most rewarding choice you ever make. You cannot help but grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from your experiences on the achievement of your dream. but you get even more than that. Financial freedom is really well beyond financial. It is a woman free to be who she really is.

Sometimes we are so busy putting everyone else first - children, friends, husbands, parents, bosses and playing so many different roles in life - mother, wife, daughter, entrepreneur, employee, sister- that we lose sight of who we really are and what we want in life. Don't get trapped in the daily conundrum and lose sight of who you really are or what you want.

I encourage you to dream. I encourage you to educate yourself on network marketing and use it as the vehicle to build your dreams. Life isn't about clocking in to make money, it's about clocking out to make memories. This truly is the best business for women.

Click Here to Start Making $600+ a Month!

Click Here to Start Making $400+ a Month!

Click Here to Start Making $200+ a Month!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Work From Home Why Not?.......

Do you feel there is a better way to earn money than the basic 9-5? Do you feel the office isn't getting you where you want to be at in life?
I have some good news for you, There is a better way but its completely different than what you were taught. Are You ready? Let me explain.
So I was Laid off for about 6 months and I had to make money doing free lance jobs I loved the money of working for myself. They called me back to come to work I was dreading going back to work in a noisy, energy draining cluttered factory with less than motivated people I got a taste of  what it was like to have my own time...and frankly I wanted my freedom....I loved it!
I quickly learned what I was missing, time I was never going to get back! I had to start juggling my work schedule for everything under the sun! This is when I took a step back and realized....Life is too short!

So I started searching..searching for something that would give me the entrepreneurial outlet I have always craved. I loved being available to my family and my free time, but I need a professional outlet where I can strive yet have the time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. So I want to share with you what i have found.

With the current state of the economy and technology replacing jobs, working from home...just seem more practical than making the attempt to find a job. I found the PERFECT BUSINESS! Network Marketing and Ambitious People = Perfect match because we just do what we do best! Network, solve problems and have a lot of fun doing it.

Now you may feel skeptical, I felt the exact same way, but what I found in doing my due diligence was more companies will choose to use network marketing because it fits in the New Economy.

People talk about "finding" their lives. The reality is your life is not something you find- it's something you create. Seven months a I choose to start creating my dream life. I made an educated decision to get started in network marketing opportunity that linked my income to a commodity. At 26 Next year this time I plan to RETIRE from my Job! I have reached my "Why" - to own my time and be financially free for life! You should consider it!

Invest in yourself!

Now Choose the way you want to be Paid!

Paid Daily Through Paypal

Paid Weekly Through Your Debit Card

Paid Monthly Through Company Card

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Most people "buy price" when looking at
an opportunity, rather than looking
at value.

People who buy price have no vision
and are only interested in the cheapest
deal they can find.

Instead ...

They should be more interested
in the OUTCOME.

The "cheapest thing" is usually
just that ------------ CHEAP!

If you want significance ...


To make a few thousand, sometimes you
have to spend a few hundred.

To make a few million, sometimes you
have to spend a few thousand.

You're on the hunt right now, for a
quick solution to your money problems,
and don't really know how to pick a
winner, but I've got answers ...

Sometimes I get people who complain and
send me e-mails, saying that the program im in is too expensive.

And I'm like ------- WOW!

You actually THINK that $25 or $100
or $500 is a lot of money?

If you're in this crowd, I'd like to
give you some serious perspective ...


Your ass is in a sling, and you need money
right this minute.

What do you do?


At your age, in this day and time, if
you can't readily put your hands on
at least $500 to $2,000 to get
yourself out of a jam ...


Now, more than ever, the world is
NOT kind to people who have failed
to prepare for unseen circumstances.

So forget about me and my program
for a minute and totally focus on
exactly what it is you're saying:

"I'm living paycheck to paycheck
and I don't have any extra money."

"I haven't saved a dime."

"I only have enough money to eat
and pay my bills, and I barely have
that -------- NOTHING MORE!"

And if all this is true, then tell
me what your choices really are?



If you lost your job today, could you
play around with some credit cards for
about (6) months until you got back on
your feet?

I'm talking about having some high limit
credit cards, where you can pull cash and
write checks from them to pay your bills.

Credit lines like 30k

I already know that 95% of you don't have
that and the other 5% that do, can't even
use the credit line BECAUSE IT'S MAXED OUT!

So let me ask you this ...

Do you have a savings account with at least
6 to 12 months of living expenses saved up,
just in case you lose your job?

Do you have any stock you can sell?

Any high value items in your home that
are not producing any money for you,
that can be sold quickly?

Basically ...

I'm asking how liquid are you?

How fast can you put your hands on
some real cash to solve a problem?

If that's an uncomfortable question for
you to answer, then again ...


Now, more than ever, the world is
NOT kind to people who have failed
to prepare for unseen circumstances.

At your age, in this day and time, if
you can't readily put your hands on
at least $500 to $2,000 ...


Because it makes absolutely no sense for
you to work as hard as you do and be in
a position, where as a grown adult, you

I'm telling you ...

I have people calling me who are in the
age ranges of 35 to 65, who tell me that
they are in serious financial trouble and
can't even put their hands on $500.


How in the world is that possible?

You've been working pretty much all of
your adult life and you're telling me
that you can't even walk into the bank
and pull out $500 if you got into
a jam?

If that's true, you have NO CHOICE BUT

Because all it would take is for life
to throw you an unexpected curve ball
and you'd be in some serious trouble.



You don't have to join my program, but
you need to come to grips with this right
now ...

When your income is ONLY PAYING THE BILLS
and it doesn't allow you to save any extra
cash - this is the result:


You won't be able to save any extra money
to protect yourself from future problems,
like losing your job or unexpected bills.


You won't have any extra money to take
advantage of opportunities that come
your way or to splurge on stuff you
really want to do or buy.

You will end up being in a position where
you are working solely to pay bills and
that is a depressing situation to be in.

Especially because if you lose your job,
you'll have nothing extra to carry you
until you find a NEW income.

And who knows how long that will take.

Look ...

This isn't about me or how expensive
you think my program is.

If your thinking was accurate, we'd
have been outta business a long time
ago, but 2014 has marked 5 years for
us & its still thriving!

95% of the people who join my program,
are people who have to do some "creative
financing" to get involved and that's one
of the reasons why they're here.

They are people looking for EXCESS MONEY!

They get out & do something! They dont let a couple hundred dollars get in the way of an opportunity of freedom.
This program will always be here so take your time (not too much time, or you'll NEVER get anywhere in life)

$100 shouldnt stop you from a chance to make at LEAST a couple thousand. Dont let that stop you... even if it takes 2 weeks of saving $50 or 4 weeks of saving $25 ... or borrowing or taking a small payday loan... whatever. If you give up on a chance of $100, the reality is there will never be help for you. Cheap programs dont work. You cant put in a few bucks to expect a LOT of money back.

money from:



You need LUMP sums of money that can sit in the
bank AFTER all the bills are paid.

I'm talking about being able to have an
extra $5,000 + laying around in your
checking account, after you've paid all
your bills.

That's the big picture and my program
can do that for you BECAUSE it's NOT

You're receiving $250 or $500 or
$1,000 every single time someone

So if price doesn't scare you and building
EXCESS CAPITAL is on your agenda, then I'd
love to help you do that.


My number is 810-620-5143

Call me when you're done, if you're ready
to make a move.

If you're looking for a cheap program that
will miraculously turn $7 bux into millions,
then I can't help you.

If you actually find that, please let the Obama
administration know about it ...

They'd be happy to join in, because it seems
the U.S. government is running out of money!


If my particular brand of "straight talk" is just
too much for you, then please un-

follow me!

I don't expect everybody to be able to handle
this stuff.

Some people like being lied to and sold the dream,
but I think it's time to wake up!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Don't be Robbed!

Taxes, some love them others hate them who are you? A Lover or a Hater?  What are your feelings about taxes?

The more you make the more taxes they take! Tax laws are NOT created equally! The government will take 50% of your earnings as taxes! Taxes are the biggest expense in 95% of an employees life! Tax laws are written against you as an employee. I'm sorry about that but there is a solution! By YOU becoming a business owner you will obtain tax advantages that the middle class and the poor do not and will not ever have! You can take those tax advantages and pay off that DEBT you accumulated as an employee! If you are not happy financially you HAVE to make drastic changes to not only your lifestyle but to your mindset but of course most of you will just continue to complain and not do a DAMN Thing!

As for those who want to set up a home based business, who wants to change their life, who want to Eliminate Debt, I tell you out of the goodness of my heart to INVEST in yourself and your children's future, Or Watch US Work!
You have been taught to work MORE, make MORE, but they never told you the TRUTH about taxes and the Robbery of America! The Government will always get theirs.

Employees pay the most in taxes, specialist and investors pay the 2nd most in taxes. If you are an Entrepreneur or Inventor you pay very little if ANY in TAXES!
Ever heard of a 401k? It is the most expensive "investment" you pay into while be ate away by taxes already! a 401k is considered earned income guess what YOUR "INVESTMENT"  has been What.......TAXED! Your investment should be considered Portfolio Income and only be 20% Taxed!
Again all EARNED income is 50% taxed!!!!! This is Insane, Nuts, crazy, only a Mad Man would want this!

You want PASSIVE INCOME, passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort to maintain it! this is why WE receive beautiful tax incentives.

In other words we don't trade time for money. Instead, we internet entrepreneurs invest our time upfront creating valuable products and experiences. WE WORK HARD NOW to CONTINUALLY reap the BENEFITS Later and Forever!

Overall what I'm trying to say is STOP screwing yourself NOW and Create Today's Future with a Better Tomorrow!

If you are interested in making some PASSIVE income check out these sites.

Take your income Infinity and Beyond
 Sleeping on Residual Income? Wake Up Now

Monday, February 24, 2014

Your The Greatest Person You Know

When you have a dream it doesn't often come screaming in your face. It never shouts, it just whispers so faintly that you may barely hear it. So concentrate give yourself some “ME” time.
It’s the slightest tap on the shoulder, so pay attention because that PASSION will sneak up on you! Even when you have the darkest moment in your life and  your motivation is out the window, DON’T GIVE UP! I want and NEED you to be who you are suppose to be, because when you are who you are meant to be, you are the greatest human being on earth! Don’t listen to the Neh Sayers, Don’t listen to those who out here slaughtering dreams. You have fear and you have faith so walk in FAITH not FEAR!
Why wouldn't you go to your full potential, because your afraid?!!?? I don’t think so, there's a WINNER inside of you dig them OUT! Don’t let the distractions distract you! DON'T GIVE UP, DON'T QUIT! Just because You fail does not, I repeat DOES NOT, Make you a failure QUITTING DOES! When you want GREATNESS there will be a lot of pain! There will be a lot of set backs but you have to PERSEVERE you have to push through. You are a special person, created at the MOST SPECIAL TIME for the MOST SPECIAL REASON because there is something SPECIAL inside of you. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THE GREATEST ALIVE! Don’t be soft, don’t be afraid, because you have GREATNESS inside of you when it gets hard Don’t give up, FIGHT through any battle FIGHT the fear because fear isn't bigger than you! You want that CHAMPIONSHIP, THAT RECOGNITION, THAT SUCCESS, that GREAT feeling of making it happen! How will you ever feel it if You give up??? Tell Fear YOU WILL NOT STOP ME , You have to believe in YOURSELF, YOUR DREAM, and YOUR SUCCESS in life! Life may have you up against the rope!
But Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men! Nothing is Impossible the word says itself that I’m Possible. So Do the unthinkable because you possibly can, YOU'RE THE GREA
TEST PERSON YOU KNOW! Now Act Like! Believe it and Achieve it!


Financial Problems Got You Down?
Try The Santiago Solution HERE

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lets get Motivated!

I know we all get frustrated, tired, scared, hurt, But I need you to not worry about the rest of the year, or the rest of the month, Just Today! Survive today! Your Creed will be I CAN, I WILL, I MUST!!! Speak it from your heart, speak it from your soul! Your last breath it feels like death but I need you to speak life into your new creed! Your Sick? You WILL beat that! That Test you failed multiple times, You CAN Pass it!. You can outlast any of your struggles. YOU WILL GET THROUGH whatever your going through, Don't give up! I'm telling you your not going to quit! You must be consistent! You Will, You Can, You Must! Will it be easy? HELL NO! Im not going to lie, some of us have to work a little harder, some of us have to dig a little deeper. I know You can, I know you Will, I know You Must! Because if you weren't looking to be motivated, you wouldn't be reading this now. Check yourself in that mirror, Let YOURSELF know. YOU CAN, YOU WILL, YOU MUST! Mama don't need to tell you, Daddy, don't need to tell you, Spouse don't need to tell you! YOU Control your mindset, This is YOUR life, These are YOUR decisions! Don't quit on YOURSELF, YOU are the most important asset of YOUR life! I know that you can Overcome any obstacle in your life! You Have the Creed, Let go of the Old Tired, Frustrated, Scared, Hurt You. Take in SURVIVOR YOU!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Time Stepping Back in the Game!: Why Network Marketing???

First Time Stepping Back in the Game!: Why Network Marketing???: Why Network Marketing? First and foremost please let me be perfectly clear This industry isn't for everyone! These are my views of t...

Why Network Marketing???

Why Network Marketing?

First and foremost please let me be perfectly clear
This industry isn't for everyone! These are my views of the marketing industry.


I have 4 reasons why network marketing is a great choice as a home based business.

1. Network marketing has allowed more people to create financial freedom, wealth, and ridding themselves of their 9-5.

2.If you work this business hard enough and smart enough it can be one of the fastest routes to time and financial freedom!

3. You do not have to develop your own product all you ave to do is market, promote
and sell it!

4. You receive residual income this is income every month you can create your business around how much you want to make! this can happen your way OVER TIME!
This is very appealing those who wants to vacate for a month and come back to a check deposited!

There is no easy button life
If you do not have a strong work ethic so you can build your business, it's not going to work out, this is not a get rich quick scheme! You will have to  put a lot of work in the beginning to build the perfect business to surround your income goals!

There are people who are not self motivated these are people who are not going to survive in this business.
I'm assuming your reading this blog, so your not one of those people.
Some people are better as employees who need to work others ideas and it is sometimes easier not being an innovator and working for the next mans Dream. No need to feel bad it's what keeps the world rotating.

Do not join without being coach-able this is a business with so many ways to market and so many techniques
have been taught and those GREAT ways sometimes do tend to get old. For instance the bloodline list and Cold calling sucks! We are in an age where Technology is King! If you think you are gonna get all your friends and family to join your business because you say so!This is completely WRONG!!! Come in with a fresh Mindset ready to learn and be prepared to gain income with your team.

The compensation plans in a lot of the Network marketing scene SUCKS!
I was with a company once upon a time who only paid out 10% Commissions which I could not make a substantial income from! I now work a program that has 100% compensation plan!
It is very necessary that before you join any Network Marketing Company you conduct a complete research of the company and know exactly what you are getting into. I finally just joined a great company that I took three months to research. I made sure of its legitimacy and that the "average Joe or common folk" can make money. What I like about this new company is there is nothing to sell, no inventory to buy and everyone from the top down, makes the same amount of income. Interested?