Monday, February 24, 2014

Your The Greatest Person You Know

When you have a dream it doesn't often come screaming in your face. It never shouts, it just whispers so faintly that you may barely hear it. So concentrate give yourself some “ME” time.
It’s the slightest tap on the shoulder, so pay attention because that PASSION will sneak up on you! Even when you have the darkest moment in your life and  your motivation is out the window, DON’T GIVE UP! I want and NEED you to be who you are suppose to be, because when you are who you are meant to be, you are the greatest human being on earth! Don’t listen to the Neh Sayers, Don’t listen to those who out here slaughtering dreams. You have fear and you have faith so walk in FAITH not FEAR!
Why wouldn't you go to your full potential, because your afraid?!!?? I don’t think so, there's a WINNER inside of you dig them OUT! Don’t let the distractions distract you! DON'T GIVE UP, DON'T QUIT! Just because You fail does not, I repeat DOES NOT, Make you a failure QUITTING DOES! When you want GREATNESS there will be a lot of pain! There will be a lot of set backs but you have to PERSEVERE you have to push through. You are a special person, created at the MOST SPECIAL TIME for the MOST SPECIAL REASON because there is something SPECIAL inside of you. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THE GREATEST ALIVE! Don’t be soft, don’t be afraid, because you have GREATNESS inside of you when it gets hard Don’t give up, FIGHT through any battle FIGHT the fear because fear isn't bigger than you! You want that CHAMPIONSHIP, THAT RECOGNITION, THAT SUCCESS, that GREAT feeling of making it happen! How will you ever feel it if You give up??? Tell Fear YOU WILL NOT STOP ME , You have to believe in YOURSELF, YOUR DREAM, and YOUR SUCCESS in life! Life may have you up against the rope!
But Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men! Nothing is Impossible the word says itself that I’m Possible. So Do the unthinkable because you possibly can, YOU'RE THE GREA
TEST PERSON YOU KNOW! Now Act Like! Believe it and Achieve it!


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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lets get Motivated!

I know we all get frustrated, tired, scared, hurt, But I need you to not worry about the rest of the year, or the rest of the month, Just Today! Survive today! Your Creed will be I CAN, I WILL, I MUST!!! Speak it from your heart, speak it from your soul! Your last breath it feels like death but I need you to speak life into your new creed! Your Sick? You WILL beat that! That Test you failed multiple times, You CAN Pass it!. You can outlast any of your struggles. YOU WILL GET THROUGH whatever your going through, Don't give up! I'm telling you your not going to quit! You must be consistent! You Will, You Can, You Must! Will it be easy? HELL NO! Im not going to lie, some of us have to work a little harder, some of us have to dig a little deeper. I know You can, I know you Will, I know You Must! Because if you weren't looking to be motivated, you wouldn't be reading this now. Check yourself in that mirror, Let YOURSELF know. YOU CAN, YOU WILL, YOU MUST! Mama don't need to tell you, Daddy, don't need to tell you, Spouse don't need to tell you! YOU Control your mindset, This is YOUR life, These are YOUR decisions! Don't quit on YOURSELF, YOU are the most important asset of YOUR life! I know that you can Overcome any obstacle in your life! You Have the Creed, Let go of the Old Tired, Frustrated, Scared, Hurt You. Take in SURVIVOR YOU!